About Us
We provide consulting. training. auditing.
We provide specialised Health Safety and Environmental legal compliance services to organisations including compliance auditing, compliance consulting and liability training.
We also provide Ariscu - our flagship SHEQ and Risk Management Software solution. We maintain the legal register modules for most SADC countries.
Who We Are
Nicolai Massyn, the founder of Ariscu, came to the shocking conclusion during the late 90’s that he really did not enjoy other people's problems anymore, and as an advocate, that was all he was doing, all day, every day: taking care of OPP (Other People's Problems)!
Things had to change. He decided to combine his lawyering skills with his real interests: natural sciences and technology. This combination was the makings of an environmental lawyer. As a member of the Bar Association (the professional body that advocates belong to) he was not allowed to do any marketing or run a business. Therefore, the logical move was to rather commence practice as an environmental legal consultant. Behold the genesis of Ariscu!
At this early stage, the business had high aspirations and some newly established capacity, but alas, no clients! A rather fortuitous association with a Health and Safety practitioner who did not have the skills, but did happen to have the clients, set the wheels in motion.

Our History
- In house software Development Team established
- Responsive design implemented (System configures itself to the size of the device used)
- Multi browser compatible
- New Ariscu login website developed
- Legal Team expands
- Zambia Legal register developed
- Client satisfaction surveys initiated
- Ariscu Version 3 launched at OSH Expo! New modules + iPad Audit App to be released end 2013
- Partner Programme launched
- Staff growth and specialists in several disciplines are appointed
- OHS Expo
- Expands African Suites offering
- Commence programming of Ariscu 3
- Client survey feedback shows 98% will recommend Ariscu
- Logo Refreshed
- Green Gain becomes ISO 14 001 Technical committee member and travels to New York for TC207 meeting
- Auditing in Namibia
- Commercial Partnership Initiative launched
- Launch Statutory Appointment Master (SAM)
- Launch Food Safety Suite
- Competition prizegiving 2011
- 3000 users on Ariscu
- Launch Ariscu into Africa
- Ariscu Co-authors Road Map to Environmental Legislation
- Ariscu 2.1 is released: MyPage notification centre is created
- Quaterly newsletter launched
- Quality Management Suite launched
- Green Stigs!
- 2000 users on Ariscu
- Exhibit at NOSHCON expo
- Public Env Law Update Training courses
- Enter Pharmaceutical industry market
- Ariscu 2 upgraded with a new platform and NC Management Module
- Expansion into hospitality industry
- Form part of Multi Disciplinary project task teams
- Start conducting Environmental Legal Compliance Auditing for Certification bodies
- Military Integrated Environmental Management Course
- Enter Diamond mining market
- 1000 users on Ariscu
- Develop a Health and Saftey Suite in Ariscu
- SAACE accredited Management training courses
- Broaden industrial client base in petrochemicals manufacture, storage and distribution, cement manufacture, packaging and glass manufacture
- Broaden client base into iron ore and coal industry
- Move into new Pretoria office
- Ariscu upgraded with Aspect Management functionality
- 2000 persons trained using Environmental awareness training material
- First International auditing in Zimbabwe
- Enter Construction market
- Steady growth in Mining Sector
- Environmental Awareness course translated and presented in isiZulu
- Services extend to performing EMPR
- Performance assessments in mining industry
- Ariscu launched at Enviromental Law workshop business breakfast at Caesars Palace with Prof Michael Kidd as Keynote speaker
- Green Gain website launched with Ariscu logon
- Roll out first public training courses mining/industry
- eRegister launched as our first attempt at web based electonic legal register on a song and a prayer
- Induction training for Environmental awareness developed and released
- 1st Enviromental Legal Register developed in Excel for first client
- Compliance auditing commenced
- Grow client list using Excel based legal registers in Richards Bay area
- First employee appointed!
Genesis! Nicolai Massyn leaves legal practice and is the founding member of Ariscu