About Us

We provide consulting. training. auditing.

We provide specialised Health Safety and Environmental legal compliance services to organisations including compliance auditing, compliance consulting and liability training.

We also provide Ariscu - our flagship SHEQ and Risk Management Software solution. We maintain the legal register modules for most SADC countries.

Who We Are

Nicolai Massyn, the founder of Ariscu, came to the shocking conclusion during the late 90’s that he really did not enjoy other people's problems anymore, and as an advocate, that was all he was doing, all day, every day: taking care of OPP (Other People's Problems)!

Things had to change. He decided to combine his lawyering skills with his real interests: natural sciences and technology. This combination was the makings of an environmental lawyer. As a member of the Bar Association (the professional body that advocates belong to) he was not allowed to do any marketing or run a business. Therefore, the logical move was to rather commence practice as an environmental legal consultant. Behold the genesis of Ariscu!

At this early stage, the business had high aspirations and some newly established capacity, but alas, no clients! A rather fortuitous association with a Health and Safety practitioner who did not have the skills, but did happen to have the clients, set the wheels in motion.

Our History